To get started, Scandium requires a .zip or .tar.gz file containing your compressed .app bundle.

Scandium currently only supports iOS Simulator builds (.app). A simulator build can be run in the iOS Simulator with Xcode. AppStore distribution device builds (.ipa) are not currently supported.

Finding your .app file

Using Xcode

The easiest way to get the iOS Simulator build is to run and build your application in Xcode while targeting an iOS Simulator

Once the build is complete and the app is running in the simulator, you can locate the .app file by navigating to Product -> Show Build Folder in Finder -> Products/Debug-iphonesimulator

Xcode - show build folder in finder

Using Xcode Command Line Tools

You can also generate the iOS Simulator build of your app by building it directly via the command line using xcodebuild.

With .xcodeproj

xcodebuild -project '{project_name}.xcodeproj' \
 -scheme '{scheme_name}' \
 -sdk iphonesimulator \
 -configuration Debug

With .xcworkspace

xcodebuild -workspace '{your_workspace_name}.xcworkspace' \
 -scheme '{scheme_name}' \ 
 -sdk iphonesimulator \
 -configuration Debug

The app file can then be found under


Compress your app file

Once you have located your .app file, Scandium requires it to be in a compressed zip or tar.gz file e.g.

zip -r {app name}.zip {app name}.app


If you are having trouble running your uploaded iOS app on Scandium, we recommend trying to run the same app on a simulator provided by Apple in Xcode.

Last updated