Tests and Folders

Keep tests organized by saving them into folders

All your tests and folders are listed on the "Tests" listing page.

Creating a folder

  1. From the tests listing page, click on "New Folder" at the left sidebar.

  2. Give your folder a name and save

Creating a test case inside a folder

To create a test case within a folder, click on a folder from the test listing page.

On the left sidebar, click on "New test".

You will then be taken to the test editor to create your test case.

Upon saving the test, it will be located within the specified folder.

Moving a test to a folder

By default, tests that are not created inside a folder will be created in the root folder.

To move a test into any desired folder:

  1. Click on the kebab menu of the test you want to move

  2. From the dropdown, select "Move"

  3. This will show a modal listing all folders (and subfolders) within the project

  4. Select your desired destination from the list

Last updated